The Go Bag: What Do You Need In An Emergency Survival Kit?

Survival is an important skill to master.

And while it may seem like a luxury, there are a lot of things that you can do to make sure that you’re prepared for anything.

Here are a few things that you can do to survive.

  • Build a fire
  • Make a Shelter
  • Learn to Fish

Let’s Be Prepared! That’s why we plan ahead to be ready for anything. It makes your life less stressful if you know you can just grab a bag and go. You can download a list below.

A good emergency kit is designed to help people in times of trouble. It should contain the items a person needs in an emergency so that they can remain safe and sound until help arrives.

We live in a world where we’re constantly faced with different types of emergencies. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a manmade catastrophe, our lives depend on being able to stay safe when things get chaotic. In this article, we’re going to discuss the items you need to prepare an emergency survival kit, so you’re ready when you need it.

What’s In Your Emergency Go Bag?

What is a Emergency Survival Go Bag?

While the term “emergency survival kit” conjures images of a bag full of flashlights, fire starters, batteries, and canned food that will get you through a nuclear holocaust, in reality, there are many other reasons you should have a go bag. These kits can help protect you against a wide variety of threats including physical abuse, sexual assault, natural disasters, and medical emergencies. Whether your emergency kit is meant to be worn or stored away depends on where you live and how prepared you feel.

Why Do You Need an Emergency Go Bag?

You’ve heard all the horror stories: the car breaks down, the flight is delayed, the train is off schedule, the baby gets sick… There’s never a guarantee that you’ll never have to use your emergency kit. That’s why it’s critical that you keep it stocked and ready to go. Having a go bag is the best way to ensure that you’re prepared for the unexpected.

Think of a go bag like an old-school, do-it-yourself tool kit, only it’s designed for today’s life. Instead of having the tools to fix a flat tire in your car, your kit should have the tools to make sure you’re prepared to handle any unexpected events in your day-to-day life, be they physical or mental.

Should I Buy a Ready Made Go Bag?

For those of us who are constantly running late, or have too many items in our bag to check, a bag designed specifically to help you organize your stuff and travel easier is a must have. A ready bag makes it easy to find anything you need in seconds, whether it’s keys, a phone, a snack, or an umbrella, even if you’re traveling with kids or pets.

When we have a need, we go online and search for the perfect product to meet it. But before we purchase anything online, we should consider if the products we find are ready made ready bags, ready to use, ready for sale. We may find items that are not even close to what we need. And if you find a product that meets your needs, you will end up spending a lot of money in shipping fees if you do not have a shipping method that works for you.

How do I Build my own Emergency Go Kit?

The basic rule of thumb for preparing an emergency kit is that it should contain at least three days of food, three days of water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, a battery powered radio, a compass, a map, and some form of shelter (a tent, hammock, etc.).

Our Emergency Go Bag Contents List

The second thing you’ll need to do is create a Go Bag. This is essentially a backpack or suitcase you take with you whenever you travel. You can store things like a change of clothes, your wallet, your phone charger, a book, and even snacks. The key with the Go Bag is that it should contain everything you need to live for a week without access to your home and your bank account. also supplies a list of recommended emergency items

A Premium Emergency Bag

In the past, most backpacks were made from canvas and could be seen as a symbol of status. These days, a lot of consumers are looking for high quality products.

A premium backpack or messenger bag can take a lot of abuse. It should be built to last, and if it’s not built to last, you might not need to use it. But even if you don’t intend to take it out of the house for a long time, it’s worth thinking about what might happen to it over time. For example, the seams on a bag may start to split, and you’ll want to be prepared for this. A bag designed for heavy usage should be sturdy, and a heavy bag should be designed with a thick, durable canvas or leather.

The goal of this design is to create a high-end backpack for those who need to carry emergency supplies with them in their bag. The backpack should provide a place for the user to securely store a small amount of cash or a credit card and should have a small pocket for small personal items like sunglasses or a phone. The bag should also have multiple pockets for storing larger items such as water bottles and a snack, but should have an easy opening design that allows for a quick access to these items.

 I have found the Evatec bag looks very rugged and sturdy.


The best personal water filter

In most parts of the world, the only option for safe drinking water is boiled or filtered. But if you’re on a road trip, hiking or camping, or anywhere else where water isn’t readily available, there is an alternative: a portable, easy-to-use filter. The Brita filters use gravity to separate bacteria from tap water, and can be cleaned easily with a drop of water.

There are two basic types of filters: chemical and ceramic. Chemical filters remove bacteria and impurities through chemicals. They usually use charcoal to absorb impurities, and water is passed through the charcoal and filtered into the pot. These filters usually cost more than ceramic filters.

Ceramic filters are more effective because they use a special ceramic material to trap impurities in the water. Unlike charcoal filters, which must be changed regularly, ceramic filters last for years, and require no maintenance. Though, you do have to think about weight and portability.

A friend of mine bought a survival stick for his bag – see image above

If you are going on a vacation or a camping trip, you can purchase a water purification device. The best one that I have seen is called “Pure Water”, and it is extremely effective. It works on the principle that all water has some natural bacteria in it, and this bacteria is what makes it harmful. So, by passing the water through a special membrane, you will get rid of the bacteria that make the water dangerous. All you need to do is connect the hose and pour in the water. The machine does all the rest.

But perhaps you don’t have room in your backpack for a pitcher device. Check out the Platypus GravityWorks water filtration at Amazon.  A perfect light weight solution for on the road. 


Portable Food

While many people consider cooking while camping or on the move, to be a pain, it doesn’t have to be that way. The secret lies in planning and preparation. Once you plan for the meals you want to prepare while camping, you can make sure you have everything you need to complete your meal preparations in the smallest space possible. This means using the minimal amount of ingredients possible while still being able to have everything you need to create your meal.

Please consider packing protein bars, energy bars, nuts, raisins, granola bars, jerky, and soups. These snacks won’t spoil, so you’ll always have something good to eat in the wild. Even M&M peanuts will do in a pinch.

Be mindful that fats and protein will help your blood sugar to stay level longer. Sugar and carbs tend to make you hungry as your blood sugar will go up and down. Pemmican, an Indian food, is a good idea. It is made of meat, fat and berries.

You can find recipes for pemmican on the internet.



A Tent

When you plan to escape a situation, people will often bring along the items that they hope will help them feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings. Among these things is a tent. The camping tent is an essential piece of equipment because it provides protection from the elements and lets campers enjoy the fresh air while staying dry and comfortable inside. The best tents come with a few key features. You want to choose one that’s easy to set up, is waterproof, and durable. 



There are many different ways to use a tarp when on the go, but some of the most common are to use it as a shelter, as a way to protect items from the weather, as a rain barrier, as a windbreak, or to serve another purpose altogether. You can also use it to collect rain water. The best part of using a tarp is that it’s versatile. You can use a tarp in a variety of different ways and still have it work just fine.

Some people place a tarp on the ground to protect themselves from cold and moisture. Even if you have a Tent, you can protect the floor of the tent with a Tarp.

While some people simply cover their tents with tarps and forget about them, others choose to attach special tarp accessories to their tents. The tarp accessory industry is big business, as is the tent industry itself. Tarp accessories include everything from reflective tape to light-emitting poles to waterproof zippers. You can find anything under the sun made out of tarp material. Tarp accessories are a great choice for anyone who likes to camp. They keep the tent clean, safe, and protected, and they can be used for more than just camping. They’re useful for many activities, such as fishing, boating, hunting, or just hanging around outside in the sun.

If you don’t have a tent you might want to bring a rope to hang the tarp over so it can serve as your shelter.

Bedding for Camping

Sleeping Bags

There are two things to consider when selecting a sleeping bag. One is weight: Is this bag going to be light? Does it weigh under 8 pounds? Another consideration is insulation. Look for a bag that has high levels of insulation. If you want to keep warm during the winter, look for something that traps heat and keeps you warm.

Also consider the advantage a your sleeping bag being water resistant.



Camping blankets should keep you warm and comfortable no matter what. Look for a high thread count, and don’t forget to look for a label that shows the manufacturer’s warranty. A good camping blanket should feel thick and plush on your skin, and you’ll know a high thread count when you see one.

 If you’re planning on camping for an extended period of time, a good blanket is essential. Not only will it keep you warm, but it’ll also provide comfort, security, and aid in regulating body temperature. The right blanket should also be durable, lightweight, compact, and easy to clean. You don’t need to go for a thick one, either. Instead, get something that’s light enough to carry around but still provides good insulation.

Sleeping Pads

Let me tell you, the ground can be cold!! Consider a pad to sleep on. As a young person, I once moved to Orlando, Florida in the late fall, thinking that it would be warm enough to camp out for a while under I got a job. Not a good idea!! I had to spend the whole night in the campground bathroom facilities to stay warm! Not a good night, no sleep!

There are foam pads and air mattresses to consider.


If you’re planning on doing a lot of hiking or camping, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of clothes you’ll need to bring. You may not need to pack as many items as you think because you might only be going for one night or two, but if you plan on staying in the woods for a week or more, you need to choose comfortable clothes to keep you warm and dry.

Think practical!

Sturdy Shoes / Boots

A lot of people want to buy hiking boots. There’s no doubt about it, but there are dozens of different types of hikers that need hundreds of different types of footwear. A pair of hiking boots is only a single piece of the puzzle Hiking boots are like snowboarding or skiing – you can’t just buy a pair of boots and expect to be able to hike in them.

They have to support you as you may be walking a very long distance, and they should keep your feet dry. It’s a good idea to break your botts or shoes in before your trip if possible. 


Extra underwear is always a good idea.


Long pants or shorts can be handy along the way. You can pack more shorts, but that choice should be made when you consider the time of year and the climate you are in.


Several tops will be required, you may need to layer things to stay warm. A waterproof jacket would be wise.


You will need several pair of socks. There may not be time to wash and dry them as you may have to keep moving.

First Aid and Hygiene

People may get sick or hurt more often than they would prefer. Sometimes, if not taken care of properly, even minor injuries or illnesses can lead to much more serious problems later. It’s very important to take care of yourself and your health. After all, what happens to you matters to your future and your family’s. And while people have different reasons for doing so, they agree that basic first aid and hygiene skills are key to staying healthy and comfortable.

First aid and hygiene are two concepts that can seem pretty unrelated on the surface. However, if we consider them in tandem, they become much clearer. Let’s take a look at first aid. First aid is the act of providing care to someone who is injured, in order to prevent further injury, illness, or even death.

Hygiene is the opposite of disease, because it protects us from becoming ill.


The Best First Aid Kit

While many people think of first aid kits as a staple item in a household, the reality is that it’s a fairly new invention. Today, we’re used to calling first aid kits by a few other names. They are typically stocked with Band-Aids, cotton swabs, ointment, and gauze bandages. There are first aid kits in most homes and even some cars. And there are even first aid kits that have specific items like ice packs, hand sanitizer, and alcohol pads.

To make sure your first aid kit is easy to access in an emergency, keep it in your Go Bag..

The Best Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a must-have when you’re on a business trip or attending a conference. But why is it important to choose the right one? And how can you tell if your hand sanitizer is right for you?

Hand sanitizers come in many forms, including gels, lotions, wipes, and sprays. There are also multiple types within those categories, but they all work pretty much the same way. They clean your hands, get rid of germs, and help prevent infections.

One of the most common arguments against using alcohol as a germ killer is that it only kills the germs, not the germs’ ability to spread. That’s true. However, if you use the correct level of alcohol, you’ll kill germs without harming bacteria or viruses. To achieve the perfect balance between killing and preserving germs, you need to choose hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Alcohol with less than 60 percent alcohol is too weak to kill the germs effectively.

Actually, several studies have found that soap and water will clean your hands more effectively and will not dry your hands as much.

The Best Emergency Bag Personal Wipes

You should consider Circe Care Personal Reusable Wipes for your wet toilet routine.  This item can be washed and reused.  For urine only! The fabric has silver thread woven in to reduce odors. Suitable for when just urine is involved.  Attach the cloths to your backpack to dry as you walk. No one has to know!

Or you can pack regular wipes, which are heavy.

Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper is bulky, but you may need it for serious purposes! You can flatten the roll to save space. You can use leaves, but please NOT this!!! POISON IVY gives you an itchy rash!!!



The Best Gloves for Emergency Use

For cold days and cold weather, the right gloves can save your fingers and hands from freezing. The most important factor to consider is whether you’re planning on using your gloves while you’re in cold weather. Gloves designed for cold weather are usually thicker and heavier than gloves designed for everyday use. Choose a glove that will allow you to grip things without having to use your fingers.

 When treating accidents and cuts, To help prevent serious skin infections caused by bacterial and fungal infections, use latex-free nitrile gloves. They’re made from natural rubber latex, but the chemical process used to make them won’t irritate the skin. Nitrile gloves are available at most drugstores and pharmacies. 


Communication on the Go

Communication is the key to survival in a group in any environment on the road or spending the night in a tent. People who communicate their plans and expectations for the next day in advance are far less likely to get lost or stuck, and are far more likely to have a positive experience. It’s like pre-meditating your day in advance.

People will feel less isolated too. It’s a bit of a rule of the road to help other people.


Cell Phone & Charger

Cell phones are useful tools that can be used on the go. They are not just devices for communication. They also serve as a GPS to help you find your way. It’s essential to have access to communication and information when away from home.

Sometimes there is no service in the area you may travel too. Texting will often work when calls will not. If you’re planning to use your cell phone to send text messages while camping, you should always carry a spare cell phone charger and/or cell phone in case the power goes out. Even if you don’t need to make an emergency call, you never know when you may want to send an urgent message (like letting someone know you’re OK) or receive an urgent message.

Consider a Solar Powered Charger, there are many options.

A Hand Crank Radio for the Weather & News

A hand crank radio can be an easy way to listen to local weather and news when you need it on the go. It’s a relatively simple, inexpensive, and reliable way to stay up-to-date on all of your local news. It doesn’t require batteries or batteries to charge, and since it doesn’t need any electricity to function, you can use it while you’re camping, hiking, or even on a road trip.

A hand crank radio is a great way to keep informed while traveling, or if you’re somewhere where power isn’t always available. 

Two Way Radios

One of the best ways to stay connected while camping is by using two way radios. 

What is a radio that can transmit and receive data? This is a two-way radio, made specifically for emergency situations. They work best with low power. If you use a low-powered radio, you don’t need a separate antenna or the associated costs and setup required to connect to your computer, cell phone or router.

The Emergency Whistle

In the past, we used to rely on a variety of other devices to alert us to hazards in our environment. But none of those solutions had the impact of the simple whistle. The reason? Because the whistle is so intrinsically human. It’s something we use in our day-to-day lives, and something we don’t have to think about. We just blow it to get our attention. And that’s why we use whistles as an emergency signal.

Why wear out our voices by screaming if we need help. A whistle if perfect!

A Mirror

This can come in handy should you need to catch someone’s eye by using the sunlight and you don’t have a campfire to signal them with smoke signals.

Not to mention the benefit of checking your hair for the bug that just fell on you!


Tools For Your Go Bag While Traveling

When you are camping or hiking alone in the wilderness, there is always a need for some kind of survival tool that can save your life. Whether you need a compass or a knife, a pocket knife or a firestarter, it can always be handy to carry something. Here are some of the benefits of using an emergency tools when camping.


An emergency compass or a compass that shows the direction you need to travel in when in an unfamiliar area is a lifesaver. A compass also helps you determine how far away a destination is, making it easier to plan a route and avoid getting lost in the wild. When camping or hiking in unfamiliar territory, use your compass every time you leave camp.

This compass uses magnetism to point towards magnetic north. It’s useful when you’re lost or wandering in the woods, since you can use it to pinpoint your location on the map. Emergency compasses are available in many shapes and sizes, including pocket-sized ones and even those that clip onto a hat.

Duct Tape

The purpose of duct tape is to hold stuff together and keep it from falling apart. It’s used for many things, but the most common uses are to cover small holes or tears in clothing (which lets air in and keeps stuff inside) or for sealing small areas in a vehicle where water could collect and destroy something important. A key benefit of duct tape is that it can be used for a lot of things. In fact, if you’re looking for something specific to do, duct tape can be used for almost anything.

Wire Saw

There are lots of reasons to use a wire saw when camping. Wire saws are handy tools when you are camping, but there are a few reasons why wire saws may be better than other tools that you could use. Here are some of the reasons why using a wire saw is good for you when camping.

  • Compact
  • Light
  • Portability

Great for cutting wood for a campfire or cutting up deadfall trees that may block your way. Be sure to find a heavy gauge.

Manual Can Opener

Traveling requires preparation. There is much to be done before you depart from home. Think about cooking food while in transit. People often forget to bring a proper can opener for one reason or another. 

How do you open cans of food? A knife can be dangerous to use. A can opener is much safer. You can heat food in the can. It’s important to always carry a can opener on your trip, as you may not have access to a stove, power, or water during a camping adventure.

You Might Want a Headlamp

Why is this important? A flashlight can only illuminate what is immediately in front of it. A headlamp is a flashlight that shines in all the directions you might turn your head.  it is a powerful source of light, but a lot of light, and requires a lot of battery power to operate. A headlamp is a flashlight that you wear on your head so you are less likely to lose it. It is designed to be small, lightweight and not require a lot of batteries to operate. The light produced by a headlamp is focused down at about 8 degrees above horizontal (or about 1 degree below vertical). This means that you can see objects and people in a wide area, but only the closest object a couple of feet away.

You Will Definitly Need a Flashlight

While it is important to always have a flashlight with you when you travel, this isn’t the only reason. A flashlight will allow you to use the restroom or take a bath in the dark without turning on any lights. It’s a matter of your safety. A flashlight will also allow you to see when you change a flat, or if something is blocking your way.

Don’t Forget the Batteries

Preppers are always prepared for the worst case scenario, but there’s one thing that they tend to forget — batteries. Batteries are a necessity when it comes to powering your gear, whether it be a flashlight, radio, or other critical device. Batteries come in a variety of sizes and capacities, and it’s vital to choose the right battery for your situation. Here’s what you need to know about selecting and using the right batteries.

 Consider a Solar Powered Battery Backup, that way you will have a way to charge your phone when the batteries fail. 

Rope or Paracord

If you need to use a Tarp instead of a Tent, you will need a line to hold a tarp up off the ground, or use it as a clothes line to dry clothes. It’s easy enough to find a place to tie it up in a wooded area.

A paracord is short for parachute cord, was used by astronauts and very strong

See one on Amazon

A Lighter Would be Handy

Everything is so handy for us that we don’t think of a lighter. There may come a day when you will need fire to cook food, or heat water, or maybe warmth. People often put some matches into a zip lock bag to keep them dry and add them to the Go Bag.

A flint & steel would help to start a fire. Before the invention of the bow drill, making fire was one of the main ways people gathered food and warmth. Today, with the prevalence of modern-day technology, fire can be made via a number of methods. However, a flint and a spark are still the most popular.

It only takes a moment to strike a spark that can ignite dry grass, kindling, or even dry logs. In fact, you can buy kits that include all you need to get started. But before you do, check to see if you have everything you need.

Rocket Stove

They are the simplest and cheapest stoves that provide maximum heat while using very little fuel. The stove can consist of a large steel container that is lined with a layer of wet sand or stones that acts as a chimney. You can also build one out of cinder blocks. 

Wood is placed into the top, with the bottom covered with a hole in the container and some firewood. When the wood is lit, the hot air rises up through the chimney, and the smoke escapes from the hole at the base of the container.

It burns hot and is very efficient. 

Most people don’t know that this simple device can save the lives of millions of families in poor countries. The RocketStove Foundation uses the money they raise to fund the distribution of over one million stoves. Their website provides more information on why and how to use a rocket stove. They also offer a free video training guide to help you learn how to build one yourself.

Folding Shovel

A folding shovel is a tool that helps people dig holes. There may be many reasons to dig a hole. You can bury trash or use a hole as a toilet. It is small and folds so it’s easy to carry. Some have a serrated edge to serve as a cutting tool.

Sewing Kit

While there are many ways to protect yourself from the elements while camping, having a sewing kit handy is just as important. There are a lot of different ways you could end up with a cut while on the go. Having a sewing kit with all the tools you need (like a needle and thread) can repair rips and holes in your clothes and your tent. Include a Scissors.


Fishing Kit

You never know when you might need food and have an opportunity to fish. All you need is a line, hook, and sinker, to keep the hook down in the water). A pole is optional.


Personal Go Bag Contents

In addition to food and water, what other personal products/documents should be included?

Personal Hygiene Toiletries

This might seem like a bit of a strange topic, but it’s certainly one that’s close to my heart. I’m a firm believer in having a good routine to keep your personal hygiene in check. When you’re on the road, this becomes even more important. With no showers or sinks, keeping your hygiene up to par becomes that much more essential. It’s important to always carry a small bag of toiletries with you. Just in case you find yourself in a place where you don’t have access to clean water.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen articles or video clips talking about what you need to bring when you’re going traveling, and they all seem to miss the mark. Don’t forget to pack soap, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, etc. When you’re away from home, you’ll be living off of what you carry, and the last thing you want is to stink up your campsite.

  • Baby Supplies
  • Pet Supplies


Medicine You Need to Take

Make a list of all of your medicines so you won’t forget any when you leave the house.

Emergency Survival Go Bag Important Documents

Documents You Need

  • Picture ID
  • A form of identification
  • Social Security Number
  • Passport Number
  • Map

important phone numbers

  • insurance company
  • Lawyer
  • doctor
  • dentist
  • a trusted relative

Put everything is a large zip lock bag to keep them safe from moisture.

Emergency Plan

Plan on a local place where you or your family can meet up if you ever get separated. Then plan a destination where everyone will end up.  Make sure everyone in the family knows the plan.


  • Extra set of car keys and house keys

In Conclusion

If you’re going on a trip and don’t know where you’ll be going, then you should definitely consider packing an emergency go bag. It’s an idea that seems counter-intuitive, but you can use it to ensure that you always have the right equipment and supplies to tackle unexpected situations.

In conclusion, I know that packing a backpack full of random supplies isn’t easy. That’s why I came up with this list of items that you need to carry with you in case of emergencies. In this way, you’ll always be prepared to cope with anything that comes your way, whether it’s a power outage, a car crash, or a hurricane. It’s not a list of supplies, rather it’s a list of items that you should always have with you at all times, regardless of where you are.